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Kiss Sixth Sense Episodes 5-6 Short Recap

We've reached the end of our story halfway, and the topic of fate and free will is becoming more complex. As we learn more about the backstory that assists us in understanding our characters in the present, brand new kiss predictions begin to guide not just their lips but also your hearts. You can watch this drama for free in Espanol here: https://doramamp4.net/

EPISODES 5-6 Short Recap

We ended last week with a twist of Min-hu telling Ye'sool that there's "one condition" that must be met before they can sleep together. The following week begins in the same way, but we don't know the current condition. Ji-young disrupts the conversation, and the next day, after Min-hu takes her from the premises, it's apparent that Min-hu loses his will to talk about it. In the home, this prompts Ho-woo and Ye-sool to figure out the one situation. Ho-woo suspects that Min-hu has an S&M obsession, which leads Ye-sool to ponder long-winded fantasies about Min-hu asking her to join a role-playing game as an enslaved person and then sign the agreement (lol, it's so emotional!)..